Friday, April 20, 2012

Similarities, Differences, and Judgements

What do you think of me and my work?


  1. Hello Adolph Zukor you are one talented man and one of a kind I appreciate all the hard work and time you spent in your life to make you who you are, and that is what me and you have in common dedicated artists to our work. I would say that me and you definitely grew up in a different childhood environment so that could have an effect on the how you interpreted your goals in life. Other wise I love how you were the founder of Paramount Pictures and how you invested your time in your company as I did with the Royal Ballet.

  2. Mr. Zukor,
    Being at the beginning of the movie industry must have been very exciting for you, everything was completely new and innovative! You were right that people can sit for more than twelve minutes in order to see a movie. I wonder what you think about the James Cameron movies with all the special effects compared to your early silent movies?
    A similarity between you and me is that we are both good at self promotion ;)... and making money! We are not afraid of hard work and if we believe in something we will follow through with it.
    A difference between us is that you work with many people and many different technical aspects to create your art where as my work is very solitary, all I need is a paint brush, canvas and my beloved New Mexico landscape or some simple flowers.
    There are many wonderful movies thanks to your work!!!
    yours, Georgia

    1. I believe nowadays movies and their directors rely a little to much on 'green screens' and should really try to get back to the roots of movie production. I would really like to see an actor or actress do a stunt without being attached to a cable.

    2. I thoroughly agree! It would be nice to see some genuine stunts instead of all the fake allusions that you see in modern cinematography.

  3. Well we 'meet' again Mr. Zukor. From what I have seen off of your blog, you seem to be a very hard working man. With that, I think that is a similarity between us. We both worked our ways up the 'success and popularity ladder', through hard work and perseverance.
    A difference between us, is that we both grew up in very different settings. You seemed to go through hardships with your family (your father and mother dying), whereas I had a very stable family life.
    Hope no offense is taken, but to me, you seem more of a man of business than an actual artist. I don't mean to defile what you do, you just come across to me as a business man. I believe what you have done to the movie industry is utterly, and absolutely amazing.

    1. I would have to agree. In the beginning of my career I was the director and producer. Once I had my own company I really never had a chance to get back into it, although every day I would go to the different sets and see how things were going, every once and a while giving suggestions. Yes, once I had my own company it would seem that the only thing I would direct were the board meetings, haha.

  4. Mr. Zukor. Our similarities are that we both worked for what we have and we were not scared to do it. Although you seem to have worked a little bit harder than mei must confess. Our differences are that i never had problems with my home life. Also that you seem to branch out more in your work.

    1. My work did branch out quite a bit. I went from just being a director to really just being a paper pusher in an office making decisions instead of living my artful passion.

  5. Hello Mr. Zukor. You are a very interesting man. You work in film and so do I. You also worked very hard, even as a child, like I do. We do have our differances to though. You never acted as far as I know,but I do. You produced early on and created your own company which is very impressive. I would still like to learn more about you though and I have one question. Did you ever consider acting and if yes, when?

  6. Adolph Zukor, it has been a long time. One thing we have in common is we both work in television since we have worked together before. But I am not from Europe like you instead from Chicago. It has been a pleasure again.
    Gloria Swanson

  7. Wow. You just don't know how much you have inspired me to become even more of an "outside the box" thinker. I've always had a big dream and made some of the dream come true, but you inspire me to keep moving forward and work hard to get where I want to be. One similarity is that we both have a dream and we are accomplishing our dreams.
